Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Few questions to ask yourself to withdraw from smoking:

You must have seen different categories of smokers. Some smoke for fun, some for habit and some smoke for fashion. You are the one that hasn’t really thought about the dangerous aspects associated with the tobacco and how it really harms your health. Here are the few questions to be asked from your sub-conscious to help you decide to quit smoking.

Can you continue your life without smoking?

The first thing to ask yourself is whether your life can continue without smoking, which will give you an idea on how important and useful it is to your life, Which certainly it isn’t. Don’t necessitate your life with smoking. Think about the money you spend on it, which can be utilized on something more useful and fruitful. And think about all the harms that come as a bonus with every pack of the tobacco.

Is smoking affecting your relationships?

Relationship is a very broader term. It not just means your family but your colleagues at the workplace and even your acquaintances. This problem may give rise to so many possibilities up to the extent of losing a job. Teachers, doctors and church leaders etc have lost their jobs because of the nature of their jobs where smoking is prohibited so religiously.

But losing a job cannot hurt somebody as much as losing a personal relation does. You may lose a job and find another one without even quitting smoking but you cannot lose your family or replace it. If the issue with your loved one is the quarreling over this habit then you are at the edge of losing power and control over your very own life. Family supersedes all other priorities so better get it straight before it’s late.

Does smoking make you feel ashamed inwardly?

This is no ordinary thing but your self esteem you are dealing with.  To all people, self-esteem is of Immense importance. If smoking in crowds or groups doesn't make you feel ashamed then you are on the verge of losing your self-esteem. Because smoking is a not a very useful thing one would leave his self-esteem for. Not a question. It is time when you thought squarely and took one quick decision to start the healing process.

Jasper and Jasper, the electronic cigarettes manufacturers have taken the plunge to introduce this sophisticated technology to help people quit smoking. They are also known as smokeless cigarettes, E cigs, E cigarettes. People who have heard about this useful technology and are looking to buy electronic cigarettes online should be able to find the best deal offered on internet on our website.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Quit smoking and enjoy its long lasting benefits:

The best thing that happens to somebody who quits smoking is that the operational performance of the internal body organs as well as the whole body system improves. It is due to the removal of harmful and dangerous chemicals and poisons associated with the tobacco. Apart from the nicotine harms that it appetites the addiction and brings imbalances in the human body, few components are so dangerous in the cigarettes that it can cause lung cancer and other severe life diseases.

Following are the few benefits which a person enjoys after leaving smoking:

Normal pulse rate and blood pressure:

On quitting smoking the first benefit that a person experiences instantly, is the improvement in pulse rate and blood pressure. They go back to their normal positions in a time less than 30 minutes. These are just the very first signs of improvement.

Nicotine and craving level decreases:

A few hours without smoking enable your body to decrease the level of nicotine as well as the carbon monoxide which gives rise to the decrease of craving one feels for tobacco.

Oxygen returns to normal level:

Just like the level of nicotine and carbon monoxide decrease in the human body, it also affects the oxygen level in a good manner whereas it returns to the normal level right after few hours of not smoking. Later on it will cut down the level of carbon monoxide totally from your body and the mucous and smoking remains will be removed from your lungs completely during this process of not smoking for hours.

Sense of smell improves and taste buds are refreshed:

If you haven’t smoked for 2 days, you will see that your sense of smell has improved a lot also your sense to taste. This helps you greatly in eating fine and increasing your appetite.

Breathing improves:

The bronchial tubes in the lungs relax once you haven’t smoked for some while which results in improved breathings. The lungs function better with an increased level of energy.

Higher life expectancy:

The person who has quit smoking has much higher life expectancy. This is because of the heart and lungs diseases associated with the smoking of tobacco which decrease once you have stopped smoking.

Research has shown that people who smoke have a considerable risk of dying before the age of sixty-five. It is better to leave smoking before reaching that age in order for you to increase the chances of living.

Just to let you know there are a lot of innovative techniques introduced in the market for quitting smoking and electronic cigarettes has proven to be most effective and easy way to do it.

Visit our store for the latest packages and discounted rates of E cigs, smokeless cigarettes or if you are in the market to buy electronic cigarettes online let us update you for a complete range of this magical device.

Friday, 27 July 2012

How to quit smoking while you are young (student)

The ratio of smoking in younger people is greater than that of other age people. Most of which are students who use smoking as a relaxation and a tool that makes them think better.

By assuming that these young individuals are intelligent enough, there rises a question of a great concern that what exactly triggered them to start this bad habit on the first place despite of its harmful effects.

Let us all straighten up some very facts in order to achieve “quit smoking”:

1-Smoking doesn’t have the power to keep people relax, its just the adrenal burst caused by the nicotine which flows in your body with the secreted adrenaline. This is certainly not the way to get relaxed.

2- It is a big misconception about cigarettes helping people to think. But the fact is the amount of toxic chemicals that a cigarette sends to brain is 4000. All these chemical are injurious to the health of a smoker and cannot give him the power to think in any way.

3- The amount spent on the cigarettes by the young people is a lot and should be utilized in some healthy manner. Instead, there are a lot of ways to enjoy better than by smoking.

Mostly students are youngsters and for them it is the best time to quit. More accurately, anytime is the perfect time to quit as long as you are willing to. And also it is similar for a one year smoker to quit smoking just like for the one who has smoked for 20 years or more.

Youngsters often believe that it is very easy to quit smoking and they will be able to do so when they are ready to, but deep down they wouldn’t even know that it’s not a piece of cake.
In order for one to quit, it has to be understood that there is nothing of value in smoking for you. You must have to accept that smoking is harming you in so many ways and that It will eventually weaken you and could cause you death.

Once you are clear about the disadvantages caused by the smoking, it would be easy for you to quit smoking through hypnosis. Hypnosis accesses your subconscious mind and erases away all your memories associated with smoking.

Just to know that there are a lot of innovative techniques introduced in the market for quitting smoking and electronic cigarettes is one of them.

Visit our store for the latest packages and discounted rates of E cigs, smokeless cigarettes or if you are in the market to buy electroniccigarettes online, here is your chance not worth wasting.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Evolving into a smoker

I smoked for the first time when I was in 10th grade. I had been hanging out with a group of kids who were isolated for one reason or another from other kids in school. Not even a single one of them tried to hide their passion for smoking and of course they never forced me to smoke yet the offer was always there
And then finally I had touched my lips to this addictive bag of tobacco. Firstly I had one, two, and three. Then I had few more. 

Smoking was like a come and go experience. If I was around smokers, I would smoke, but I could go months and months without cigarettes. I didn’t consider smoking to be a big deal and found it quite relaxing after being sorrounded by the mischevious kids thorught out the time in school. Those days are long gone where I would sneak out of school and gather with a bunch of kids in the ground on the back of our school, who hated school and life as much as I did.

With the time passing by I had developed a habit for running, playing cricket and doing all the athletic stuff. I started hanging out with the guys of my own calobar and didn’t think much about smoking. I had participated in the school games and friends that I made were non-smokers. So smoking wasn’t really something I was doing to kill time.

After months we had to shift to another house to an entirely different city and for which I had to leave my school and friends too. This was a tough part of my life because leaving a place where I had friends and memories wasn’t easy at all.The new house was a mess. Every thing seemed new and unfamiliar. I had to make friends with people over there because that was my home then.  In school , things were different from what they were in my previous school and city. I saw more number of kids indulged in smoking and was surprised to find out that they were easily able to get cigarettes from store.

As for me smoking was like a temporary experience so I didn’t really pay much attention to it. But there was a girl in my class who I became friends with. We hung out, had sleep overs and visited so many places togather. She was a smoker too. I didn’t find it wrong and my own parents smoked of course so it didn’t hesitate to join her in this matter.

I smoked a cigarette which turned into one pack and so and so forth and I realized that I had also become a addictive smoker by then.  I had a very positive attitude towards leaving smoking but this time I couldn’t just stop. I just smoked and smoked and couldn’t see a way to turn back. Finally became a addictive smoker.
In today’s age leaving smoking seems little easy than old times without really relying on your will completely. Electronic cigarettes is the newest innovative technolgy to get your hands off of this bag of tobacco for good.
Smokeless cigarettes , Electronic cigarettes, tar free cigarettes and to buy electronic cigarettes online visit our website jasperandjasper.com to get surprised.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Advantages/Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes, also known as smokelss and e cigarettes have been able to draw a lot of smokers to its increasingly adoptable fashion with far feat and long lasting outcomes. Those days are gone when smoking was used as a implication for poor health, misleading habit and sloppy attitude.

Now the electronic cigarettes have earned the reputation of harmless smoking. People from all around the world are rapidly embracing them and saying good bye to traditional smoking  for its harmful affects. Following are the advantages of these cigarettes that tell us why these cigarettes must be altered by traditinal ones.

We need to acknowledge the fact that electronic cigarettes were introduced solely for the purpose of smoking cessation. This electrical device works on the same scenario, the normal cigarettes does. While on inhaling, it produces a vapor which has the physical experience , looks and sometimes the same taste of traditional smoking depending upon the level of nicotine in it.

An electronic cigarette comprises of three parts: cartridge, atomoizer and a battery.cartridge is a sponge like stuff which makes the vapors flow through this device and reach the smoker’s mouth. Atomizer is used to vaporize the solutions and the battery contains a sensor for electronic airflow.

This electronic device for smoking doesnot need no fire to work; instead it is operated by the electrical charge or current. The vapor is mainly made up of propylene glycol. The main thing to be noted is that this vapor doesn’t contain any of the harmfull chemicals often found in the regualr tobacco smoking. The amount of niotine found in these electronic cigarettes is so low that most doctors and physicians would agree on its being health friendly.

Electronic cigarettes comes in so many different natural flavors which include the natural fruits and vegetables. The most used and famous flavors are caramel, apple , chocolate, orange , water-melon, cofee , cola, vanilla etc.

A single electronic cigarette usually contains a handsome amount of vapors ranging from 100-250. It proves that a single electronic smoking device is equal to one pack of regular tobacco cigarettes. Therefore these are more economical than real cigarettes which not just put burden on ur pockets but also affect you health.
E smoking is perfectly allowed and legal in all public places such as restaurants, airports, libraries and clinic where normal cigarettes arent. The E cigarettes don’t emit any ash,tar or contains any odor which are the characteristics of a normal tobacco cigarette. You can smoke them anywhere you want irrespective of the ban imposed in public places for traditional cigarettes.

Lets not wait a second to enjoy these smokeless, inexpensive and health friendly electronic cigarettes.
 smokeless cigarettes, buy electroniccigarettes online, or visit our website jasperandjasper for a complete range of this magical device.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Get it right before buying electronic cigarettes:

There are numerous benefits one experiences while switching to electronic cigarettes.  Apart from its health benefits, there are more economical and environment friendly. The best understood thing about E cigs is that you don’t really get exposed to the toxins, chemicals, cancer causing or any other dangerous harmful substances as compared to that of traditional cigarettes.

The smokeless or E Cigs have become really popular with the ones who are in the porcess of quiting smoking and believe that they are really effective. But then again in order to get its benefits, they have to be used properly.

The electronic cigarettes are operated with a battery so inorder to use it at its full potential , make  sure to keep it fully charged. And whenever you are not using it, it is better to place it on its charger. It normally takes less than eight hours to charge it up fully but it in not recommended to overcharge the E-cig because it can result in wearing out the battery.

Electronic cigarette comes in 1piece, 2 piece or 3 piece design. Normally, a 1 piece is cheapest and performs the cheapest. The 3 piece design can really help you quit smoking. But for those who are looking to use electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation device, it is recommended to use 2 piece design as they feel the most natural.

These cigarettes come in different level of nicotine for intance, low, mild and high. You can choose any level of nicotine for you to quit smoking. The best way is to start with a high level of nicotine and then work your  way down to no nicotine slowly and gradually. And of course these cigarettes are a lot cheaper than simple tobacco cigarettes.
Electronic cigarattes happen  to be the most impressive and innovative alternative to real smoking as they have lessen the danger linked with the regular smoking and therefore providing the same sensation and feel as normal tobacco.

In order for you to make a purchase, it is best to conduct a little research and avail all the options, ask othesr about what they are saying about them , read reviews and so on and so forth. And once you have satisfied yourself go ahead and make a purchase for a successful smoking cessation.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Electronic cigarettes, Are they safe to use ?

The electronic cigarettes are aslo known as smokeless cigarettes, E cigarettes or Tar free cigarettes. This innovaticve technogoly has been able to attract all those smokers from across the world who have taken the initiative to switch to this harmless technogly of smoking for more than 5 years. The question then arose if these cigarettes were safe to use ? and it still needs to be answered.

The E cigarettes have the same taste, appeal and feel of traditional cigarettes and are loved by a lot of smokers. The main difference between these and Regular somke is that the E Cigs omits none of the dangerous health effects as linked with the traditional cigarettes such as carcinogenic effects  and a lot of other chemical compounds which result in cardiac and rerpiratory diseases.

Once a Reasech was carried out by the top doctors regarding that smoking  is harmful for smoker’s health, and for which many cigarette manufacturing companies have tried for ways to reduce the level of nicotine and tar so that they will practice the safe smoking experience. In relation to that E cigs were invented. However with the development of this technology, there came a question if these were injurious to the health of ones who smoke them?

E cigerattes are designed to replicate the smoke and temprature associated with the traditional cigarettes however eliminating the use of toxins that can cause cancer in smokers.  These  include really dangerous chemical compunds

When electronic cigarette was introduced in the market for the first time, many people had apprehensive approach towards trying them whereas a huge number of smokers had embraced it. Companies from all around the world were found manufacturing it which decreased the percentage of those who doubted the safety of electronic cigarettes and changed their minds once they tried this pioneering product.

For those who are still concerned about the safety of this product should know that they were desinged on the basic concept of “quit smoking” on the first place. Electronic cigarettes can be illegal when used by anyone who is under state’s smoking age, depending on the country.

Electronic Cigarettes, E cigarettes, Buy ElectronicCigarettes online, Smokeless cigarettes, Visit our website for a complete list of flavors and pricing of the electronic cigarettes online and their safety guide.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Top Reasons why One should switch to Electronic Cigarettes

Sensible people are always sorting out ways to get rid of bad habits and smoking  has undoubtedly proven to be one of the most harmful habits one can possess. When it comes to the death toll cause by diseases due to smoking like cancer diseases, lung or respiratory diseases, scientists have already taken the inititative to counter this very issue and have come up with a remarkable alternative to smoking i.e Electronic cigarettes.
Following are the reasons why one should switch to electronic cigarettes

1-The normail cigerattes have tar wheresas the electronic cigarettes are tar free and contain 99 % less nicotine than normal tobacco coigerates. The traditional cigarette contains about 600 harmful ingredients and causes human body break down over a period of time. When the tobacco in the traditional cigarettes is burnt, it creates upto 4000 chemical compounds unlike electronic cigeratte which has none of such harmful chemicals in it.  While smoking electronic cigarettes, all you are doing is smoking vapors  which contains chemicals nearly harmful to any human body just like those in food items.

2- When a traditinal cigarette is lit, it not just emits the stinking odor but also sticks with anything that comes in contact with it. That’s not the case with the electronic cigarettes because the vapor it produces contains a mist with no lingering smell.

3- Another benefit of switching to electronic cigarettes is that we don’t have to buy accessories while using the electronic cigarette like ashtray, lighter etc.

4-  the electronic cigarettes are safe to use indoor and won’t trigger the smoke detectors to casue an alarm.

5- Electronic cigarettes are cost effective as compared to the traditional cigarettes. You will save hundred of dollars if you switched to electronic cigarettes.

6-Since electronic cigarettes are available in various levels of nicotine , it is very likely to ween yourself away from this addiction slowly and gradually.

7- Wherever you go, most certainly you will strike a discussion. Being one of the best inventions used to get rid of smoking,electronic cigerattes will play an important role to start a healthy discussion.

Electronic Cigarettes, E cigarettes, BuyElectronic Cigarettes online, Smokeless cigarettes, 
Visit our website for a complete list of flavors and pricing of the electronic cigarettes online

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Effective Ways to Quit Smoking.

As we all are aware of the fact that nicotine is the factor why people become addictive of smoking. Cigarette smoking is something that has showed a lot of harms over the period of time and research has shown that nicotine in the tobacco is extremely dangerous and causes a lot of diseases for instance lung diseases, heart diseases, breath diseases etc. nicotine is very addictive and people who smoke cigarettes for some while, are not able to leave it very easily and their will power is weakened due to its regular use. You will hear it quite often that smokers are trying to leave this harmful habit but it is quite impossible to do that on their own.
Research has made it possible to discover some very easy and effective techniques to get rid of smoking. 

These techniques will be able to assist you greatly in making up your mind to quit smoking. But then again these techniques will only be effective if you really thought about leaving that habit on your own firstly and then take help from the following smoking aids.

People who are in the process of leaving smoking must have come across the “nicotine patch” technique which is however considered as the oldest way to quit smoking. It is placed on the skin and nicotine is released as to lessen the craving for smoking that one has.

Another way is to use the nicotine gum which works almost in the same way as the nicotine patch does. But in this case the nicotine is released in the blood stream to get the same result as the nicotine patch. However there are some flaws in using the nicotine gum which are, people are getting addicted to the use of gum as it creates certain level of craving to it. Nicotine gum is also very expensive and can cost you more than what it costs you to buy a cigarette pack.
 Another modern way of quitting smoking is the use of medication. This is only administered through consulting the doctor however it is expensive and requires more time. But in some cases the medication might even increases the urge to smoke.

The most effective way to quit this bad habit of smoking is by using the electronic cigarettes.  This electronic device is designed in a way that it makes you feel like smoking the normal cigarettes but on the other hand it is decreasing the level of nicotine in your blood and your craving for smoking is reduced to a great extent. If you continue with the electronic cigarettes, there is a great probability that you will end up leaving the regular smoking with all its harmful effects.

The bottom line is that there are lots of ways for you to try to quit smoking but not without this one factor , that is ahead of all others and that comes from inside you, The Will to leave smoking.
Now people, who are looking for smokeless cigarettes, nicotine free cigarettes, E cigarettes, Electronic cigarettes or to Buy Electronic cigarettes online, shouldn’t wait a second to visit our online store for the most competitive rates and terms than no one else can beat.