Monday, 3 September 2012

E-cigarettes growing in popularity

On this previous Sunday, I had a chance to visit a very famous sports club in my town, full of different classes of people gathered for recreational sports. It was so amazing to see the atmosphere of the club whereas every one present there was found keen to obey the rules of the great sport’s facility.

While wandering in the club I stopped by a snooker table and stood there and watched the two opponents play the game. One of the players had a cigarette tucked behind his ear which seemed quite unfamiliar to me as it had a different sort of design than the normal cigarettes.

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The place was a non-smoking zone so I knew that person would not be able to smoke in there but while thinking that I saw him pull that cigarette behind of his ear and took two puffs and put it back to where it was before. There was no smoke, no smell and no ashes were seen by my naked eyes which simply stunned me. I couldn’t figure that out on my own so I decided to ask the player about the science of that mysterious cigarette. He smiled at me and looked at me like I was a NERD but then he finally answered my question and made me acquainted to this magical device. I did nothing but made up my mind
instantly to have switched to this harmless technology of electronic cigarettes , the way he explained me about the advantages of E-Cigs and also told me that a large number of smokers are switching to these Smokeless cigarettes from all around the world.

Here are the few characteristics of E-Cigarettes that he mentioned to me

  1.  - It’s a good substitute, but it’s not quite the same
  2.  - E-cigarettes are essentially small and are battery operated
  3.  -  Heating elements are combined with a nicotine cartridge and an atomizer.
  4.  - When the person smokes e-cigarette, the atomizer converts the nicotine in the cartridge into   vapors which is then inhaled into the lungs
  5. - When the person exhales that vapor, only odorless vapor is expelled. 
  6. - These E-cigs are advertised as ‘alternative to smoke’.
  7. -  E-cigarettes come with a LED light at the end which lights up upon inhaling it.
  8. -  Electronic cigarettes contain no harmful toxic substances as found in normal cigarettes
  9. -  They are often used for, to cut down the level of cravings that one has for nicotine.

Supporters of the Nicotinefree cigarettes argue that they contain fewer chemicals than a tobacco cigarette, especially carcinogens. Tobacco cigarettes contain 4,000 chemicals, 69 of which are known carcinogens and electronic cigarettes are not found contaminated by them.
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Even many health professionals or doctors are found purchasing these electronic cigarettes in order to comply with the non smoking policies in hospitals and other health related places. A great deal of research is being carried out to get them approved by the FDA which will bring dramatic changes in this field. This makes me able to go ahead and get myself an Electronic cigarette and I would recommend all of you smokers if you tried these.

In order to make a purchase online, just write buy electronic cigarettes online on all major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing to choose an e-cig for yourself, your friends and for any smokers in your family.
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