Thursday, 9 August 2012

Study: A comparison between Second hand vapors (E-cigs) and second hand smoke (tobacco cigs):

A research was carried out recently to compare the smoke of regular tobacco with the vapors of Electronic cigarettes. It happened in the properly designed chamber where people were asked to puff away both the cigarettes in a very proper scientific manner under the supervision of research experts. The experts in chamber then measured the amount of different chemicals which would be passively inhaled by anyone, who came in contact with it. This is what they found as expected.

The ill-intentioned (Toxic) substances found in the regular cigarette’s smoke outnumbered the substances found in E-cigarettes Vapor. 20 unstable organic compounds were detected in cigarette smoke whereas, the electronic cigarette’s vapor contained only 5 of them. The smokeless cigarette was found to contain a very little amount of nicotine and flavor. The compound that was found in access in the vapors is present in a lot of food items we eat and is known as propylene glycol; which is FDA approved and termed as a “safe”. A great relief for electronic cigarette smokers.

This study proves that the second hand vapor is not harmful like second hand smoke i.e. Passive smoking. This research might lift the ban on electronic cigarettes in different countries or states in America and shall have a very healthy impact on the anti-smoking community.
Once this news is well circulated, more people will switch to this harmless technology of smoking to enjoy the same sensation of regular tobacco without any severe harms associated with it.
Its time you made a switch to experience a number of benefits of Electronic cigarettes.To buy electronic cigarettes online , should you use Electronic Cigarettes on all the major search engines.

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