Monday, 6 August 2012

What does nicotine do on leaving smoking? (Nicotine withdrawals)

On quitting smoking, there are different forms of nicotine withdrawals symptoms you will experience most certainly. Their severity depends upon the level of nicotine consumed by the users. These symptoms can sometimes be very difficult to live with and tackling them requires a proper way. Some of which are signs of your body purifying itself.

Following symptoms occur to the users who have quit and their severity varies from person to person
Electronic Cigarettes

Rainy nose, Cough and sour throat:

These symptoms are very commonly experienced by a lot of users on quitting smoking. The duration that they last for is not more than a week. It happens due to the accumulated tar and the nicotine being cleared away from the body. ENT antibiotics and drinking excessive water or fluids helps you tackle them rapidly


When the brain doesn’t receive the level of nicotine being fed to it daily, it starts to ache. Normally a week’s time is required for the brain to get accustomed to this change. Taking more fluids and light exercise should be able to help in this case.

Concentration is weakened:

This, again, is the result of the brain being supplied with more oxygenated rich blood, along with the absence of nicotine. In this case, one should not try to overwork and should stay relaxed. This phase can last for a couple of weeks to a month.


This happens due to the result of intestinal movements slowing down and can last for around 2 weeks. One should consume adequate fiber and water in such a scenario.


You will experience a lot of fatigue as a result of quitting smoking. It happens due to the lack of nicotine level being fed to body, to which it was habitual of before. It can last for a month or so and overwork in such a scenario is extremely not recommended.


This symptom is quite different from others in its own way. It is more psychological than physical and One cannot be sure of how long may it last? Ex-smokers who had left for more than months, may sometimes be affected and start consuming nicotine again to stay fresh and relaxed.

There are a lot of ways to help quit smoking but none of them is useful until or unless you develop a strong Will to do it. Hypnosis, medication programs and nicotine replacement therapy is helpful in this regards.
Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes are very helpful and also very cost effective in this case than any other programs. It is a great alternative to smoking and reduces the harms associated with traditional smoking remarkably. They are also known as smokeless cigarettes and contain no dangerous smoke unlike tobacco smoke but just harmless vapors to give the influence of smoking.

Those who are looking to buy electronic cigarettes online , should use Electronic Cigarettes on all the major search engines like Google, Yahoo , Bing etc 
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